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Buses on Snow Routes

Weather Alert for Thursday, 2/6/25 – Buses in all Zones are on snow routes for the AM pick-up and PM drop-off of students.

Alerta meteorológica para el jueves, 6/FEB/2025 – Los autobuses en todas las zonas transitan por rutas de nieve al recoger por la mañana y al dejar por la tarde a los estudiantes.

Spanish Spelling Bee

Congratulations Brookwood fifth-grader Ania Garcia who landed in the top twelve finalists... Learn More

Rising Star
Rising Star
Fourth grader, Jovin Landre, was one of many intermediate Brookwood students who had the opportunity to study Biomimicry for two weeks in August during summer school.
Morning Meeting
Morning Meeting
First through third grade students start their day of summer school with a Morning Meeting.





On-Time Graduation Rate, +5.8 percentage points higher than the state average


Bilingual Students through Dual Language Programs in 16 schools


K-12 School District in Oregon to Receive Systems Accreditation